Sunday, February 8, 2009

Birthday and catching up

Hello all! Yesterday was my birthday and I figured this could be a good time to finally do some catching up!

So, I am now officially 30. Yes....30! Depending on when you ask me, I am either totally fine w/being 30 or feel like I didn't take advantage of my 20's as much as I should have. Either way, my birthday itself was really fantastic. I had a rollerskating party and was actually a bit surprised when many RSVPed w/a yes! I was only surprised because I know that everyone has their own lives (what? I'm shocked!) and I guess I was just a little flattered that they would all take the time out of their Saturday nights to celebrate my birthday. I mean, listen, this place was out of EVERYONE'S way. When I made the plans I thought the location was much closer...long story short, the location was about 25 minutes South from my place *EEK* Most everyone that was coming live 20 minutes North of me! So of course after realizing where we were really going I was even MORE thankful that so many decided to join me. Maybe I should also mention that the roller rink ended up being outside and only had porta potties (Ok, so they were super fancy b
ut,yeah, they were porta potties). Anyhow, we all ended up having lots of fun and it was great to see a few of the kids roller skate for their first time ever! Damien would like to announce that he did not fall 1 time. Yes, I was a very proud mama. He even shaved his facial hair into some kind of scary looking shape that simply should never be seen again. I don't know what was more funny, the facial hair or the fact that not many people said anything at first, ahahahahaha! OH and besides getting to see everyone I also received some really great cards and gifts (Damien got me a Wii Fit, woo hoo!) :))


Let's see....Damien is doing well and is still completely in love w/his job. It seems every day he remains shocked that he is being paid for doing the art that he truly loves. And yesterday I got 1 birthday present that was most definitely needed, I got a job! It's at a really nice pilates studio. I will start out being trained just for the front desk but will eventually also do the marketing and basically all the paper work. The pay is way less than I'm wanting, however, they promise to give me some decent raises early on. I really wanted this specific job so I am super happy!

We love you all and hope you are doing well!

Christmas 2009 (same w/the top pic)